Non, le Phospax sc ne peut pas être utilisé pour les applications d'eau de mer, car cette méthode ne fonctionne que jusqu'à 1 000 mg/L de chlorure. La teneur en chlorure de l'eau de mer est généralement supérieure à 19 000 mg/L.
Phosphorus exists in water almost solely as phosphates, which can be dissolved, attached to particles or found in aquatic organisms (bound to organic compounds). Phosphorus levels in natural waters, such as lakes and streams, are typically very low. Elevated phosphorus levels may indicate contamination from raw or treated wastewater, agricultural discharge or industrial waste. Some drinking water plants also add small amounts of orthophosphate or condensed phosphates during post-treatment for corrosion control. Orthophosphate is the simplest form of phosphorus to measure but total phosphorus is considered the best indicator of phosphorus levels in water because it measures all forms.
Phosphates can exist in form of orthophosphate (PO 4 3-) or in larger molecules as condensed phosphates, inorganic polyphosphates or organic phosphates.
Orthophosphate is often referred to as "reactive" phosphorus because it is the only type of phosphorus that will react directly with colorimetric phosphate reagents. Orthophosphate is used by plants, bacteria and algae and is considered a limiting nutrient in water testing.
Condensed phosphates (also called meta, pyro or polyphosphates) have two or more orthophosphate groups that are linked together. They are strong complexing agents and are widely used in treatment systems for boiler water and are also found in many detergents. To measure condensed phosphates, the sample must be analyzed for acid hydrolyzable phosphorus and also orthophosphate: condensed phosphates = acid hydrolyzable phosphorus – orthophosphate.
Organic phosphates contain one or more orthophosphate groups that are attached to an organic molecule, such as sugar. They are formed primarily by biological processes and can be found in organic matter such as plant or animal tissue, in sewage from animal or human waste and food residues, as well as in pesticides. To measure organic phosphates, the sample must be analyzed for total phosphorus and for acid hydrolyzable phosphorus: organic phosphates = total phosphorus - acid hydrolyzable phosphorus.
Both condensed phosphates and organic phosphates are not as stable as orthophosphate and naturally break down into orthophosphate over time. Therefore, an orthophosphate test will likely measure a small amount of condensed phosphates and an acid-hydrolyzable test will measure a small amount of organic phosphates.
Phosphorus relationships are summarized below:
orthophosphate (o- PO 4 3-) = reactive phosphorus
Determined using Hach Methods 8048, 8178 or 8114.
Total Phosphorus (TP) = TIP + Organic PO 4 3-
= o-PO 4 3- + Poly PO 4 3- + Organic PO 4 3-
Determined using Hach Method 8190 or TNT Method 8190.
TNT+ chemistries TNT843, TNT844 and TNT845 can be used with Method 10209 for orthophosphate or Method 10210 for total phosphorus.
Total Inorganic Phosphorus (TIP/Acid Hydrolyzable) = o- PO 4 3- + Poly PO 4 3- (condensed phosphates)
Determined using Hach Method 8180 or Hach TNT Method 8180.
Organic PO 4 3- = TP-TIP
Determined by calculation only.
Condensed Phosphates (Poly PO 4 3-) = acid hydrolyzable phosphorus - orthophosphate
Determined by calculation only.
Le phosphore réactif peut être mesuré par colorimétrie à l'aide de plusieurs produits chimiques. Tout d'abord, le phosphore réagit avec le molybdate dans une solution acide pour former un complexe phosphomolybdate. Pour les mesures de basse valeur, le complexe phosphomolybdate est réduit à l'aide d'un acide aminé ou ascorbique, créant ainsi un bleu de molybdène caractéristique. Pour les mesures de haute valeur, on fait réagir le complexe phosphomolybdate avec un réactif au vanadium pour créer un produit de couleur jaune. L'intensité de la couleur des complexes bleus et jaunes est proportionnelle à la concentration de phosphore dans l'échantillon.